Bem vi isto na net alguem sabe de alguem que usa ou é mais uma tanga!
Erbium disse:Se funcionasse as marcas colocavam isso nos carros logo na fábrica
Krubs disse:Nao inventem. Querem reduzir consumos, andem devagar.
Leth disse:O pessoal até andava mas os espasmos que volta e meia dão na perna direita não o permite
Krubs disse:Nao inventem. Querem reduzir consumos, andem devagar.
FUELMiser™ is strategically placed on the inbound fuel line near the combustion chamber so that the strong magnetic field penetrates the fuel line perpendicular to the flow of the fuel. The flowing fuel molecules collide with this abrupt magnetic field, energizing and dispersing the hydrocarbon molecules in the fuel just before it is burned, enabling more hydrocarbon molecules to combine with oxygen, which yields more complete combustion of the fuel.