Gran Turismo 5

Info tirada do GTPlanet

The update that was expected to release today, has been released! Its suppose to be a big one? Well at 608 mb it does look hopefull

New things:

- Looks like a market place for your cars!!! 'Online collectors dealership '
- 'Seasonal events!'
- HUD can be turned off!!!
- More prizes for AMG driving school special events. 'Nurburgring 24h' and '4h' tracks for getting all bronze in intermediate, Mercedes-Benz 190e 2.5-16 evo II for all silver intermediate, and CLK-GTR for all gold intermediate.
- Mechanical damage on practice mode
- Save games can be backed up
- When pausing a replay, a new button in the top left lets you go back to the start of the replay... (Seriously PD just add rewind and fast forward!)

Guys there is a update log after the patch. They have it in the home screen under Gran Turismo News.This should be copied on the first page. Here's the comments from PD for the update 1.05:

Update Notice (1.05)

A new update has been released for Gran Turismo 5.
The main contents of the update are as follows:

Seasonal Events
[Seasonal Events] have been added to the upper left side of the [GT Mode] - [GT Life] screen. From here you can participate in official online events from the Polyphony Digital team. In these events, all participants under the same regulations, and if you complete the event you will win rewards and experience. In Time Trials and Drift Trials, compete on the leader boards with players around the world.

Online Dealership
An [Online Dealership] has been added to the left center of the screen. In here you will find popular and rare used cars. You might just come across that one car you've always been looking for, that you haven't been able to find in the used car dealership.

Online Race Rewards and Experience
When you complete a race in the open lobby or my lounge, you will now gain rewards and experience points. Therefore if you are focused more on playing online, you'll still be able to gain rewards and levels that you need to progress in GT Life.

Driving Distance and Number of wins in Online Races
The driving distance and number of wins you achieve when you complete a race in Open lobby or My lounge will now affect your stats in Profile and the Garage. Here again the results from your online play will cumulate within GT Life

Improved Rewards
The rewards for winning races in Both A-Spec and B-Spec in GT mode- GT Life have been increased for a limited time only. This applies until the end of January 2011. This is a great chance for those who were previously have difficulties getting ahead in the game, due to lack of funds for tuning and purchasing required cars.

Race Information Display
Is now available in the Start-Quick Options. You can also see this in Race Display in Options.

Save Data Backup
You can now copy and restore your save data. For details please refer to the in-game Manual

Personal BGM (menu)
From [options]-[hardware]-[Audio], it is now possible to set the Personal BGM (menu). This can also be accessed from the Music Library within GT Mode.

Car Name Change
The official name of the "Red Bull X1" has been changed to "Red Bull X2010"

Integration within the website
THe main features within GT Mode - Community can now be accessed through the " Official Website.

Important Note
We have made improvements to the Log within GT Mode - Community section,
in order to make its operation more stable. Please note that the information that was here before the update has been reset.

Some contents of the update will not be applied unless you sign into the Playstation Network when you play the game.

thanks for the tip GT4SOM
Os eventos zasonais parece serem fixes, tem ranking online, e uma das porvas é com carros FF ate 200CV, bota ibiza na estrada :D
Pode ser que no proximo update se lembrem disso, o meu cupra ja esta no top200

PS: nem vale a pena fazerem com o cupra, mudei para o Kusabi concept e tirei logo um segundo, isto na primeira volta, top 50 :D
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Isso é k são boas noticias! Uma vez que ste ano o GTAcademy é só para os states, estes eventos sempre dão alguma pica...podia era haver uns brindezinhos para os melhores classificados!
ola pessoal eu sei de uma dica para ganhar carros a borla, basta combinar mais um amigo, ir a garagem escolher um carro e escolher a opção enviar ou dar a um amigo.
depois de carregares enviar passado um segundo injectasse o cd. resultado o teu amigo recebe o carro e tu ficas igual com ele na garagem.:lol:
já fiz o teste mais o meu irmão e funciona.